Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bryce Canyon Day 2

Today we started off our day with an early Easter Surprise from Rachel & Mike!!

We are so excited for them.  She is 12 weeks pregnant!!  However Isaac would like to know where you are getting your baby from??

We started out our day today with the Queens Garden Hike!! This is us on our way down the trail.

As we were going down the trail we got to go through these cool little tunnels!!

This is Queen Victoria, if you can see her??  You can see her crown on top and she looks like she is holding something in her hands.

This would be her castle!

Standing in front of Queen Victoria!!  This was the perfect hike to start off our day, not to hard for the kids, however to our surprise the kids choose to keep following the trail around to the Navajo loop which we hiked yesterday.  This made our total round trip 2.7 miles!!  Can i just say my kids are awesome.  They made it the whole way.

This is on our way around to the Navajo Loop.

At one point on the trail, there were hundreds of stacked rocks.  They were very cool.  They were stacked anywhere people could get them to stay.  We added four more to the hundreds as each one of my kids wanted to make one.

This was my kids impression of the stacked rocks.

This is how Alexa wishes she could hike!!

Once we were done with our long hike the kids were not up to much more hiking so we made our way around to some of the overlooks!!  This is the view from the Paria View Point.

Paria Viewpoint again, it took us around to the other side of the mountain, giving us a different view!!

This was the view from the Swamp Canyon View Point, looking down into Sheep's Creek.

After dinner tonight while we were passing some time, we walked over to the Old Bryce Town.  Nothing over there is open as we missed there peek seasons by a month.  But we were still able to put our kids in Jail!!

And take there pictures as some Cowboys!!

I think that Kaleb was scared of the girl next to him!!

Tonight to end our night instead of swimming we decided to take the kids up to the Bryce Canyon lodge were we listen to a Park Ranger give his Astronomy lecture!!  It was actually quite fun, but i was expecting to learn a lot more on the stars, and all that was talked about was the moon.  But once the lecture was over we were able to head back to the visitors center where we were able to look through there big telescopes up into the night sky.  The kids were able to see Venus, The Orion Nebulae, & Andromeda Galaxy.  I think that Kaleb and Alexa really thought that was cool, it has been really fun being able to teach the kids new things while we have been here.  It was the perfect way to end our night!!

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