Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Isaac the Alien

Kaleb the Vampire

Alexa the Witch

Jeremiah the Alien

We hope everyone had a wonderful

Friday, October 28, 2011

Woolley Halloween Party

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This year due to many conflicts our annual Glaittli Halloween Party was cancelled, with the promise that next year will be bigger and better!!  With that, being said my mom decided she would still like to do a Halloween Party with the kids.  So tonight we got together, had a yummy dinner, and played many games. We started out playing a long time favorite Don't Eat Frank, i remember playing this game with my family when i was young!!  My kids loved it!!  Then we moved on to the donut game, my kids remembered playing this last year with my dad and requested that we play it again.  They love trying to eat the donuts as they hang by a string with no hands!!  Then we played a rousing game of Halloween Sheraids.  My kids had fun acting out what my dad had given them to be, however they all seemed to do the same action for everything.  We had a great night playing in the garage, we always love being with family!!  We are sorry Jeanne, Charlie, & Annabell didn't last very long, we missed playing the games with you!  But most of all we MISSED our DAD as he was out of town, you missed all the fun!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Whats for Dinner??

I guess since my kids took a tour of the fire station today and learned about fire and fire safety, that it was ok to start our house on fire!!  Today my Apple, Peeler, Slicer had a tragic and unforeseen death!!  I turned on the oven to start dinner and little did in know that my kids had put my apple slicer in there along with some of my hot pads.  Once the oven was hot enough i opened it up to put dinner in and was bombarded with smoke and the awful smell of burnt rubber.  I guess at this point all i could do was laugh!!

Melted Handle
Burnt Hot Pads
What is left!!
I guess the one good thing that came from this, is that my oven is cleaner then it has been in a long time!!


Fire Station Field Trip

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Today at preschool we had the opportunity to take the kids on a field trip up to the new fire station.  The kids were very good and listen very well.  They enjoyed the two fireman that gave us our tour.  They spent the first part of the tour talking to the kids about fires and what to do if your house was on fire.  The best answer if heard when they asked was a little boy answer "Roast Marshmallows"!!  The kids were able to see the whole fire house, there favorite part was trying to climb up the fire poll.  Then they were able to see all the different fire trucks and even some of their rescue boats.  They learned a lot and I was surprised by all the good questions the kids had for them.  It is quite the life to be a fireman, one for sure I would not want, but I am sure glad they are around when we need them!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Carving of the Pumpkins

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Last night we met our good friends Josh, Emily, & Brayden for our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch.  This year we just walked around with them while they picked out there pumpkins, because we were able to harvest 6 pumpkins from our own garden this year, plus the five pumpkins we got from grandma & grandpa jones, and the many pumpkins we brought home from Rachel's wedding.  We basically have pumpkins coming out our ears this year, but they have been great for decorating!!  After the cold trip to pumpkin patch we headed back to our house where the kids tried there hand at carving their pumpkins.  They had tons of fun, they even got into helping clean out the insides!!  They were all very proud of their masterpieces and they are now on display in our front entry!! We always have a great time hanging out with our friends!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I Love This Boy!!

Not very often in a house full of four kids does one get to spend a lot of one on one time with mom & dad. Today my dad took Alexa, Kaleb, & Isaac out to lunch and down to the BYU Football game.  Leaving Jeremiah home for most of the day alone with mom & dad.  He was feeling kid of sad that he did not get to go so we tried to make his day better by letting him choose something special he wanted to do with mom & dad.  His choice was an Ice Cream Party, no surprise there!!

He spent the morning flying airplanes with Adam and helping him in the yard.  He loves to be out side with his dad!!

We then took him out to lunch at McDonalds where he got to have his ice cream for his ice cream party and play in the play area.  He found that playing in the play area is not so much fun without his brothers and sister!!  In all i think he had a great day, his mom & dad had fun spending time with him alone!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Jones Halloween Party

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Tonight we had our annual Jones Halloween Party!!  We had so much fun the kids enjoy spending time with there cousins.  We started out the night at the pumpkin patch where they each got to pick out there own pumpkin.  This year the rule was if you can carry it you can have it, that way we didn't end up with huge pumpkins.  Once we were done there we headed over to Grandpa & Grandma Jones for dinner and the rest of the fun.  The kids decorated there pumpkins by coloring on them with markers, then on to decorating there own haunted houses, where they ate way to much candy, but had lots of fun doing it.  Once they were done with those they played a few rounds of Halloween Bingo, just enough for all of them to win a scary spider from Grandma.  Then we finished off the night at the fire pit making smores!!  Thanks Grandpa & Grandma Jones for the fun filled night!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Rachel & Mike Wedding Day

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What a great day!!  My little sister has finally found the love of her life.  Rachel & Mike were married today in the Salt Lake Temple.  They are so cute together and my sister is the most beautiful bride, Mike is one lucky man!!  My kids had so much fun being there at the temple to see Rachel & Mike.  However, i fear Rachel has lost her title of Favorite Aunt out, to the now Favorite Uncle Mike!!  We are so happy for the two of them!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Our Backyard Friend

Today my kids and husband caught this snake in our back yard.  They thought it would be very funny to bring it in the house and scare mom!!  This year we have found many snakes wondering around our yard, not so cool, when you hate snakes.  Little does my husband know that he has now lost a helper in the yard, i think i will leave the weeding up to him, i can't imagine finding this while out weeding!!  My kids thought it would be cool to keep him as a pet, but we made them throw him back to the field.  I think it however has found it's way back!!