Friday, April 6, 2012

Bryce Canyon Day 1

Today was our first full day here at Bryce Canyon and it was a fun filled day!!  We started out the day learning that if you are not up at the crack of dawn you do not get a warm shower in our hotel.  Once we were all done taking our COLD showers, we were off to the Visitors Center.  At the visitors center we watch a short video to learn about how Bryce Canyon was formed and all about the things we would see while we are here.  Then it was into the small museum that was there as well.

The kids are excited that they may see some Black Bears!!

Alexa leading the boys away on there horse!!

And this is where we are at on the map!

Our first stop for the morning was the beautiful overlook at Sunset Point.  From the over look we set off on our first HIKE following the Navajo Loop trail.  It was a really fun hike down the canyon.

The switchbacks we hiked down!

Here we are part way down.

Taking a rest in the hole we found in the rock.

The first stop on the hike was at Two Bridges, which you can see in the back ground.  These bridges were naturally formed from water flowing through the canyon.

Resting in a Juniper Tree.

The trail was supposed to take us in a loop back to our starting place but as we came up to Wall Street, the trail was closed due to a rock slide, so this was as far as we got, and then we had to head back up the same way we came down.

Some of the kids were not to Happy that they had to hike back up!!

Starting back up the switch backs.

We are almost to the top!!  YAY

We got to pass by Thors Hammer on this hike.

Look at what we just hiked down.  What troopers we all made.

This was on our Second hike on our way out to Sunrise Point.

View of Sunrise Point.

Look at Alexa go!!  She was not to happy she had to spend the day hiking, but she did an awesome job.

Jeremiah on his was back from Sunrise Point.

I believe this is looking out over Wall Street that we did not get to hike through earlier in the day.

Kaleb is the one i worry about the most as we are hiking, boy does he need to learn to pay attention to where he is walking.

Our last hike of the day out to the Bryce Point where we could look back at where we were hiking all day from the other direction.  From up here we could also look out to the small town of Tropic.  As we got here last night looking for a place to eat, we learned there is only one restaurant open this time of year, so tonight we headed out to the small town of Tropic were we added two more restaurant to our list of eating places!!  The Pizza Place hit the spot tonight!!

The rule of the trip:  You have to Hike to swim in the Pool.  So once we got back from dinner we headed off to the indoor pool here at our hotel.  This kids had so much fun there!!

We forgot there life jackets so we purchased a tube for them to float around in!!  Despite the lack of Life Jackets it did not seam to slow down my Isaac Fish.  And to our surprise our Jeremiah who has been deathly afraid of swimming pools turned into a fish himself tonight.  Even jumping off the side to Adam!!  Who would have ever guessed he would learn to like the water??

What a great way to end the night, i think we wore the Kids out!!  There where out like a light tonight!! Oh and we learned that if you shower at night you can take a hot shower!!

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