Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Great Shake Out

Today that State of Utah had a state wide Earth Quake drill, we decided that we would participate in this drill as it was a great learning experience for our kids as what they should do in case of an earthquake.  The Great Shake Out was to start at 10:15, so this morning i got up and showered so that i would be ready for the day.  I thought about it all morning thinking i would strategically place me and the boys in a part of the house where we could take cover very fast.  Then as usual the time got away from me and when 10:15 hit i was in the middle of making play dough for school, and the boys had just gotten out of the tub.  I left my play dough and ran and got the kids, we took cover in the bathroom door way where we stayed for a minute, as i talked to them about why we were doing this.  This morning it had been raining all morning, as a ward we were to post our colored flags as the status of how our family faired the earth quake and report to our block captain.  We talked about that we most likely won't have any power and may not be able to drive our car.  So we got our umbrella out and walked up to report to our block captain that we all survived, then pretended to continue to walk to the school to pick up the other kids.  This was a great experience and gave us an opportunity to see how prepared we would be as a family.  I felt like we are fairly prepared, but the one thing that bothered me all day was that i would have no way of knowing if Adam was alright at work, or my family, if we had no phone service.  We have since made arrangements for a contact out of the state that we will most likely be able to get ahold of to give our status to and find out everybody else status.

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