Sunday, April 8, 2012

Bryce Canyon Day 3

Happy Easter!!

This morning we started off the day looking through our Easter Baskets and having our Easter Egg Hunt in the hotel room.  It was amazing how many places the Easter Bunny found to hide eggs in such a small room!!  I think that being hear and out in nature was a great way to reflect on the life of the Savior and the Sacrifices that he made for each of us.  As we were hiking today we ran across a sing that was posted in one of the resting areas that read "Silence Alone is worthy to be heard."  It was sure easy to reflect on everything as we walked the trails in silence, and listened to all the sounds of mother nature.  It is days like today that i am grateful for my wonderful family!!  We decided that since today was Sunday we would take it easy today and drive to all of the overlooks. 

But first for Grandpa Woolley we decided to do a little Geo Caching!!  This was a fun way to go some places that we would have never gone as it was not up in the park.

This was what we looked out on as we following the trail to our GPS location.

This kids found the box hidden in this tree.  We opened it up to log our information that we were there.  We did not plan ahead so we had nothing to leave in the box, but it was fun to see what other people had left in there.

There was a small bridge by where we had to park the car to go find the Geo Cache so we walked over it to see what was there and it was an awesome waterfall.

On our way out we had to stop and take our picture in the sleigh!!  My kids wondered why Santa left his sleigh here.

The entrance to Bryce Canyon National Park.

Fairyland Point

Inspiration Point

Lunch at the very top of Bryce Canyon!!

Rainbow Point

It made mom very nervous to have the kids stand on the railings!!  But dad thought mom was just a worry wort. 

The start of Bristlecone Loop Trail

This was a fun easy trail to hike, however since we were at the highest elevation here, we had to hike through snow.  It was fun walking through here and smelling all the pine trees.

This was a lookout in the middle of the trail.

Yovimpa Point

Black Birch Point

Ponderosa Canyon

Agua Canyon

Natural Bridge (which is actually an Arch)

Farview Point

Piracy Point

This was the last overlook of the day.  We hit a lot of places and took some small walks, but it was fun to see all the different views of Bryce.

Then we were back to Geo Caching.  This one was a small toy alligator hidden in this log out by a small lake that was by our hotel.  The kids decided they really enjoy Geo Caching, so grandpa when ever you need someone to go with you give us a call!!

This was a Tee Pee that we walked past when we were Geo Caching.  What a busy day we had!!  The kids were worn out by the end of the day, but wanted to go back and watch the new movie that they got for easter.

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